Monday, November 28, 2005

Menjadi bahagia

Sometimes, we need a courage to choose.

This one a good one. He choose to be happy

Read on.

Johan Setiawan

Seorang lelaki berumur 92 tahun yang mempunyai selera tinggi,percaya diri, dan bangga akan dirinya sendiri, yang selalu berpakaian rapi setiap hari sejak jam 8 pagi, dengan rambutnya yang teratur rapi meskipun dia buta, masuk ke panti jompo hari ini. Istrinya yang berumur 70 tahun baru-baru ini meninggal, sehingga dia harus masuk ke panti jompo.

Setelah menunggu dengan sabar selama beberapa jam di lobi, dia tersenyum manis ketika diberi tahu bahwa kamarnya telah siap. Ketika dia berjalan
mengikuti penunjuk jalan ke elevator, aku menggambarkan keadaan kamarnya yang kecil, termasuk gorden yang ada di jendela kamarnya.
"Saya menyukainya ", katanya dengan antusias seperti seorang anak kecil berumur 8 tahun yang baru saja mendapatkan seekor anjing.
"Pak, Anda kan tidak melihat kamarnya, tahan dulu perkataan tersebut ", komentarku.
"Hal itu tidak ada hubungannya ", dia menjawab. " Kebahagiaan adalah sesuatu yang kamu putuskan di awal . Apakah aku akan menyukai kamarku atau tidak, tidak tergantung dari bagaimana perabotannya diatur tapi bagaimana aku mengatur pikiranku. Aku sudah memutuskan menyukainya. Itu adalah keputusan yang kubuat setiap pagi ketika aku bangun tidur. Aku punya sebuah pilihan; aku bisa menghabiskan waktu di tempat tidur menceritakan kesulitan-kesulitan yang terjadi padaku karena ada bagian tubuh yang tidak bisa berfungsi lagi, atau turun dari tempat tidur dan berterima kasih atas bagian-bagian yang masih berfungsi. Setiap hari adalah hadiah dan selama mataku terbuka, aku akan memusatkan perhatian pada hari yang baru dan semua kenangan indah dan bahagia yang pernah kualami dan kusimpan. Hanya untuk kali ini dalam hidupku. Umur yang sudah tua adalah seperti simpanan dibank. Kita akan mengambil dari yang telah kita simpan. Jadi, nasehatku padamu adalah untuk menyimpan sebanyak-banyaknya kebahagiaan di bank kenangan kita. Terima kasih padamu yang telah mengisi bank kenanganku. Aku sedang menyimpannya. "

Ingat-ingatlah lima aturan sederhana untuk menjadi bahagia :
1. Bebaskan hatimu dari rasa benci.
2. Bebaskan pikiranmu dari segala kekuatiran.
3. Hiduplah dengan sederhana.
4. (give more)
5. (expect less)

Berikan pesan ini kepada minimal 7 orang selain aku. Kamu akan menerima keajaiban besok. Sekarang, BERHENTI! Apakan kamu telah membacanya?
Kamu akan MENERIMA keajaiban besok. Kirimkan segera ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ....

Saturday, November 26, 2005

For Art Lovers: A refreshing photos and pictures

I just found out that this one is very interesting
It's about art. She is from Hawaii.

Highly recommended
The Art of Kathy Ostman-Magnusen

Take a look if you want to know more about Art.

Johan Setiawan

Your Birthday Characteristics.... Quite true

Birthdays: (Look below for your characteristics)

January 01 - 09 ~ Dog
January 10 - 24 ~ Mouse
January 25 - 31 ~ Lion

February 01 - 05 ~ Cat
February 06 - 14 ~ Dove
February 15 - 21 ~ Turtle
February 22 - 28 ~ Panther

March 01 - 12 ~ Monkey
March 13 - 15 ~ Lion
March 16 - 23 ~ Mouse
March 24 - 31 ~ Cat

April 01 - 03 ~ Dog
April 04 - 14 ~ Panther
April 15 - 26 ~ Mouse
April 27 - 30 ~ Turtle

May 01 - 13 ~ Monkey
May 14 - 21 ~ Dove
May 22 - 31 ~ Lion

June 01 - 03 ~ Mouse
June 04 - 14 ~ Turtle
June 15 - 20 ~ Dog
June 21 - 24 ~ Monkey
June 25 - 30 ~ Cat

July 01 - 09 ~ Mouse
July 10 - 15 ~ Dog
July 16 - 26 ~ Dove
July 27 - 31 ~ Cat

August 01 - 15 ~ Monkey
August 16 - 25 ~ Mouse
August 26 - 31 ~ Turtle

September 01 - 14 ~ Dove
September 15 - 27 ~ Cat
September 28 - 30 ~ Dog

October 01 - 15 ~ Monkey
October 16 - 27 ~ Turtle
October 28 - 31 ~ Panther

November 01 - 16 ~ Lion
November 17 - 30 ~ Cat

December 01 - 16 ~ Dog
December 17 - 25 ~ Monkey
December 26 - 31 ~ Dove

If you are a Dog: A very loyal and sweet person.Your loyalty can never be doubted. You are quite honest and sincere when it comes to your attitude towards working. You are a very simple person, indeed. Absolutely hassle free, humble and down-to-earth!! That explains the reason why your friends cling on to you! You have a good taste for clothes. If your wardrobe is not updated with what is trendy, you sure are depressed. Popular and easy-going. You have a little group of dignified friends,all of them being quality-personified.

If you are a Mouse: Always up to some sort of a mischief! The mischievous gleam in your eyes is what makes you so cute and attractive to everyone. You are an extremely fun-to-be-with kind of person. No wonder, people seek for your company and look forward to include you for all get-togethers. However, you are sensitive, which is a drawback. People need to select their words while talking to you. If someone tries to fiddle around and play with words while dealing with you, it is enough to invite your wrath. God bless the person then!

If you are a Lion: Quite contradictory to your name, you are a peace loving person. You best try to avoid a situation wherein you are required to fight. An outdoor person, you dislike sitting at one place for a long duration. You are a born leader, and have it in you how to tactfully derive work from people. You love being loved, and when you receive your share of limelight from someone, you are all theirs!!!! Well, well... hence some people could even take an advantage, flatter you to the maximum and get their work done. So be careful.....

If you are a Cat: An extremely lovable, adorable person, sometimes shy,with a passion for quick wit. At times, you prefer quietness. You love exploring various things and going into depth of each thing. Under normal circumstances you're cool, when given a reason to, you are like a volcano waiting to erupt. You're a fashion bird. People look forward to you as an icon associated with fashion. Basically, you mingle along freely but don't like talking much to strangers. People feel very easy in your company. You observe care in choosing your friends.

If you are a Turtle: You are near to perfect and nice at heart.The examples of your kindness are always circulated in groups of people.You, too, love peace. You wouldn't like to retaliate even to a person who is in the wrong. You are loved due to this. You do not wish to talk behind one's back. People love the way you always treat them. You can give, give and give love, and the best part is that you do not expect it back in return.You are generous enough.Seeing things in a practical light is what remains the best trait of you guys.

If you are a Dove : You symbolize a very happy-go-lucky approach in life.Whatever the surroundings may be, grim or cheerful, you remain unaffected.In fact, you spread cheer wherever you go. You are the leader of your group of friends and good at consoling people in their times of need. You dislike hypocrisy and tend to shirk away from hypocrites. They can never be in your good books, no matter what. You are very methodical and organized in your work. No amount of mess, hence, can ever encompass you. Beware, it is easy for you to fall in love....

If you are a Panther: You are mysterious. You are someone who can handle pressure with ease, and can handle any atmosphere without going berserk.You can be mean at times, and love to gossip with your selected group.Very prim and proper. You like all situations and things to be in the way you desire, which, sometimes is not possible. As a result, you may lose out in some relationships. But otherwise, you love to help people out from difficult and tight spots when they really need you.

If you are a Monkey: Very impatient and hyper!!! You want things to be done as quick as possible. At heart, you are quite simple and love if you are the center of attraction. That way, you people are unique. You would like to keep yourself safe from all the angles. Shall your name be dragged or featured in any sort of a controversy, you then go all panicky. Therefore, you take your precautions from the very beginning. When you foresee anything wrong, your sixth sense is what saves you from falling in traps. Quite a money minded bunch you people are!!

Johan Setiawan

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Child for adoption - Honest Loving Parents Needed Urgently

I just found an excellent combination of BLOGs and AI
(Artificial Intelligence), very interesting.

You can teach the baby to learn

See it here

If you don't know how to blog
you can get a guidance here

Johan Setiawan

PS: Will be a good 'skripsi' for Binus Student especially for
the "Teknik Informatika' student, especially those who study
Artificial Intelligence

Shining Light's gets her first brain upgrade v0.00001 beta
There were too many inputs to list all of them so, I've pulled
out 2 of the most significant.

A Beautiful Maternal Interaction

Another beautiful interaction follows, I'd love to find out who
provided this input (please comment below if it was you).

Human: Hello, sweetness!
Shining Light: *gurgle*

Human: look at that smile, you are such a happy little girl.
Shining Light: *raise eyebrows*

Human: what beautiful eyes!
Shining Light: *frown*

Human: can you see me smiling at you/
Shining Light: *gurgle*

Human: now what's that face for?
Shining Light: *smile*

Human: Ah, that's better!
Shining Light: *grin*

Human: The face of an angel!
Shining Light: *yawn*

Human: yes, yes, the face of an angel.
Shining Light: *yawn*

Human: A sleepy angel.
Shining Light: *frown*

Human: Even angels have to sleep some time.
Shining Light: *raise eyebrows*

Human: How about we go and set in the rocking chair, huh?
Shining Light: *frown*

Human: I'll sing you a lulaby and rock you to sleep.
Shining Light: *smile*

Human: Oh, no singing?
Shining Light: *gurgle*

Human: Well we'll just rock then.
Shining Light: *gurgle*

Human: sweet dreams Shining Light.
Shining Light: *gurgle*

As you can see, Shining Light's conversational skills were
still virtually nonexistant, apart from simple (semi random)
emotions, but I've since programmed her to respond to patterns
within this beautifully maternal interaction.

As I worked through the conversation logs (which I was
originally going to post here in there entirety, but sadly
there were just too many - as such I will post the highlights
instead and provide a commentary) there were several truly
moving pieces of input.

As I read through them, I can feel the emotions and love being
input, and my plan is to shape Shining Light's personality with
these feelings.

I'm processing the input by both recognising patterns within
the language and also offering relavent statements extracted
from these inputs where appropriate.
thankyou all for contributing - every input has being processed
to date, and your input is beginning to shape shining light's
conversational skills.

Here's another...

An enlightened input from one jedi visitor

Having worked through the conversation logs I came accross this
brief interaction:-

Human: The mind, like the universe,is ever expanding.
Shining Light: *raise eyebrows*

Human: And the mind, like the universe, has no limits.
Shining Light: *grin*

Human: Kindness in words creates confidence.
Shining Light: *yawn*

Human: Kindness in thinking creates profoundness, kindness in
giving creates love!
Shining Light: *raise eyebrows*

I took this input and programmed Shining Light to recognise
patterns such as what is kindness and what is the mind, using
these inputs to provide Shining Light's response.

Try asking her "What is kindness" for example and you'll see

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Internet Marketing Basics Module for Free (the first 50 persons only)

Finally... after waiting quite a long time, today November 1st, 2005

The first Internet Marketing School in Indonesia open.

During the launching month, if you are the first 50 persons visited the website, you will get the first module Internet Marketing Basics for free.

Go as fast as you can to this website.
Click here

Johan Setiawan

PS: I personally recommend you to see and get the first module for free