Thursday, June 01, 2006

SAP Basis Role Job

For those who wants to know what are the Role Job for the SAP Basis
I found quite an interesting blog here

Upgrade Oracle 9i RAC to Oracle10g RAC

One of my friend asking me on how to upgrade Oracle 9i RAC to Oracle 10g RAC

Have a look on this URL

Uploading, Saving and Downloading Binary Data in a MySQL Database

From one of the mailing list, I found this interesting topics
Uploading, Saving and Downloading Binary Data in a MySQL Database

by Joao Prado Maia

This article is aimed at answering one of the most asked questions on the PHP mailing list and discussion forums alike: How to store binary files in a MySQL database.
Click here to find out more!

I ran into this same question when asked by a possible employer testing my programming skills to create a set of scripts to upload files to a MySQL database, download files from it, and also show an image, if the file was indeed an image. Anyway, I couldn't find any articles on how to do that, so I searched a lot in the PHP mailing lists to find my answer. This article is my way of "giving back" to the community. :)

I split the article into three pages,

* Setting up the database
* Creating the 'upload' scripts
* Creating the 'download' script

Check details of the script here